In our experience, the adaption of any new design application in your organization falls or stands with the user experience. Our UI libraries enable you to create intuitive, minimalistic graphical user interfaces (GUI). With the ParaPy platform you are in full control of that interface, as our packages allow you to tweak, style, and finetune the interface to meet your demands.
Desktop GUI:
Plan to run your application on desktops? Our Desktop GUI package supports a broad range of custom elements, such as toolbars, context menus, viewer interaction (e.g. object manipulation, left- and right-mouse clicks to access detailed menus), panels and action buttons. With this package, making a desktop GUI tailored to your needs becomes a breeze.
Rather run your application in a browser or planning to deploy it as a web app? Our WebGUI package enables you to define a complete web-based user interface. That means you have a fully customizable layout at your disposal to tailor the UI with multiple views, panels, wizards, and input forms matching your envisioned design process. The package also supports custom styling using CSS to give the app the personalized look and feel that matches your business/brand.
If you want to learn more about WebGUI, you can read about it here.